Graduated from Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, England, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Osteopathic Medicine.
Thirty one years experience treating a wide range of individuals, from premature babies to age 97.5.
Before making aliyah in November of 2000, Ian was involved in the operation of three private clinics in U.K.
In 2001 he established the first-ever private Osteopathic clinic in Eilat. Ian worked for 1 ½ years in Clalit HMO, followed by two years with Maccabi HMO.
He has been in private practice in Jerusalem since the end of 2007, and has a clinic every Friday in Tel Aviv
(with Panoramic sea views) :)

Ian Wright, BSc.OST.,D.O.,M.I.R.O.
( 31 yrs exp.)
Osteopath / Cranial Osteopath.
Member Israeli Register Of Osteopaths.
Life Story
Ian was introduced to Osteopathy in 1989 at the age of 28 when, after a sporting accident, he broke his neck and was paralysed.
Doctors told him he would never walk again or have children, and suggested he "learn to paint with your mouth"!
Although he had never heard of Osteopathy before, a friend took him to an Osteopath who, after a long course of treatment, and a lot of ups and downs, not only gave him back his life, but instilled in him the desire to train as an Osteopath, so that he would be able to give back to other people, the good fortune he had found. Ian believes that Osteopathy may help, even after patients are told by conventional medicine, that “nothing can be done”.
In this case, he can walk, has 3 children, but cannot "paint with his mouth"! :D
He is eternally grateful to the Osteopath, and the friend who believed “something could be done”, and who cared enough to help him. His strong belief in the art and science of Osteopathy, and its ability to improve the well-being and quality of a person’s life, as well as his enormous empathy for his patients, are deeply rooted in his own personal experiences and his twenty seven years of service to the profession.
Lightning does strike twice!
In May 2000, 11 years after his neck injury of 1989, he became paralysed again, down his right side, due to a cervical osteophyte (excess bone growth), into the cord.
From May, he had to wait for surgery, and was getting worse every day, not knowing when the surgery would be, or what the future held for him, but always positive...
Finally when his turn came in October, he needed five and a half hours of neuro-surgery to remove the herniated disc, and excess bone growth, and had his neck vertebrae fused with a bone, cut out of the top of his hip.
One of the top neurosurgeons in the UK, gave him only 30% chance of walking again...
Ian had Osteopathic treatment before and after his operation, as it is well known that Osteopathy greatly increases the chance of a successful surgical outcome and the body's ability to heal.
Determined to repair and start a new life, helping others, he had an X-ray 6 weeks after the surgery to check if the fusion was successful, and one week later, he made aliyah.
Ian believes in instilling a positive attitude towards being well, teaching health-promoting new habits, and in preventative methods. Ian treats everyone as an individual and feels strongly that a caring, empathic approach to all, is essential in creating positive, healthy results. Ian focuses on treating the cause, not the symptoms, rekindling positive attitudes, laughter and a sense of well-being.